Okayie, actually tag ni is for my mum, Kak Mimi but since my mum ni tak tahu macam mana nak post entry, jadi dengan sukacita nyer I lah yg answer all the tag questions, okayie kan sis kelly? hope you dont mind.. =)
Copy awardOkayies
The person who give the award & the link / blogSis Kelly Walther
10 Question with 5 answer for each questionNo Probs
5 Name that people call youFA - Most of my friends & family
FAFA - one of my naughty cousin Amir called me by this name
Didi FA - All my younger cousins and few elderly relatives
Fariza - My Schoolmates/collegemates
5 Important date in your life1. 29/11 - secret
2. 07/11 - secret
3. 24/12 - secret
4. 10/10 - secret
5. 02/03 - secret
5 Thing you done yesterday1. went to Oxford St to get my daughter summer shoes and cloths
2. cook dinner
3. updating this blog
4. clean the house
5. bake brownies for my daughter
5 Ways to be happy1. shopping
2. shopping
3. shopping
4. shopping
5. shopping
5 Favourite movies
1. Sex & The City-goshh I lurve their wardrobe
2. Blood Diamond
3. Pirates of the carribean - ohhhhh Jonny Depp..haha
4. The Lord of the ring
5. Avatar
5 Favourite hobbies1. Shopping
2. Baking Cakes,cookies etc
3. Decorating Cakes
4. Watching movies
5. Dreaming
5 Favourite people- Too many
5 Favourite places for vacation1. Malaysia
2. Malaysia
3. Malaysia
4. Malaysia
5. Malaysia
5 Reason you answer the survey1. to answer on behalf of my mum
2. to thank sis kelly for tagging
3. errmm..
4. ermmm..errmmm...
5. ermmm..ermm,..errmmm..
5 Person to tagToo many friends to tag and I'm not sure to who I should extend the award and tag, however if you will like to receive the award pls help yourself. thanksss..tataaaa